Mommy VS. Daddy


When you find out you’re expecting there are tears of joy and feelings of excitement. As a mother you can’t wait to have your bundle of joy. To hold him or her in your arms and look at the little person you not only helped create, but carried through a few seasons.
You got through all the morning sickness, and one bad smell sends you running to the bathroom. All of a sudden you are eating what seems like for five and your skin is stretching like an elastic ball. You have the people who say they see this glow about you, you feel absolutely horrible and look a mess. They share their horror story about labor and you grin and bear it because it is all worth it at the end.
Well now being the mother of three, it seems like all my hard work was for naught. You see my precious babies seem to like their daddy more. You would think after all my hard work and late nights, they would understand that mommy simply wants a little attention sometimes. You know a extra hug here. One more kiss there.
I mean I take care of all the boo boos and make the cupcakes. I make the food and make sure you’re neat and clean and yet they prefer daddy.
Daddy plays the basketball. He jumps around and plays the video games. Daddy gives the extra cookies and well I guess to them it’s more fun. I am the one that worries and think what’s best maybe way too far ahead. My oldest actually will go to him first and than say “oh yea hi mommy”. I’m simply an afterthought.
However, on the plus side I get to cuddle with them and wipe their tears. I can watch them have a rip roaring good time and realize just how lucky I am to have the family that I do. My three cubs and my mister, well I wouldn’t trade them.for the world. I actually have it pretty good. Besides after they have all the fun with daddy. I get the best part. All their hugs, kisses and tired little faces. It’s the little things. Besides mommy could always use a little mommy time.  🙂

2 thoughts on “Mommy VS. Daddy

  1. Ariel Bernstein

    It’s not fair, is it? My son doesn’t even like to go in ‘mommy’s car’ on the weekends even if my husband is driving because he associates going in ‘daddy’s car’ with fun excursions and treats. I think you’re right though that in the end we get the better deal being with them more and getting to see them though the good bad and sleepy 🙂


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